Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

I'm 1 year old today! :) While Mommy wasn't looking, I sneaked down to the rec room and hacked onto Daddy's laptop to post again. Daddy needs to come up with a password that I can't figure out.

I'm a year old today! Mommy's busily trying to burn down the house while cleaning the oven, so I only have a few minutes left. All my fans should send me money and presents because I'm really cute and I'm a whole year old!

I heard them all talking about something called cake and ice cream that I'll get to experience today and I can't wait to do something they aren't expecting. It'll be so much fun!

Uh-oh - Mommy got the smoke detectors to stop so she'll be looking for me any minute now, so I have to go now.

Later, Gator! :)