Tuesday, December 30, 2008

22 Weeks

I love getting weekly updates from BabyCenter.com. It's so fun to see how our baby grows from week to week. You can sign up for a free account and get your own weekly updates sent directly to your e-mail address.

This week BabyCenter told me:

"At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn."

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Already Following In Daddy's Footsteps

Michael and I went to watch "The Day the World Stood Still" today.

I can't help but think that little Matthew is going to be a huge fan of science fiction because he picked this time period to officially let me know of his existence.

Yes, folks... we finally have movement! Undeniable, glorious movement!

But why oh why does he have to be a Sci-Fi geek?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

20 Weeks

I love getting weekly updates from BabyCenter.com. It's so fun to see how our baby grows from week to week. You can sign up for a free account and get your own weekly updates sent directly to your e-mail address.

This week BabyCenter told me:

"Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana."

Friday, December 12, 2008

Baby Talk

Rebecca has been talking to the baby for a couple of months now. It's not much, just a "Good morning, Baby!" every morning, and a "Good night, Baby!" every evening, with an occasional "Hi Baby!" somewhere in the middle.

Last night, her farewell took on a new twist:

"Good night, Baby... Boy."

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's A Boy!

Today was the day of the big ultrasound, and while The King and I waited patiently for the technician to tell us the gender of our baby, we both thought that we saw something that wasn't on The Princess' or The Dragon's ultrasound.

Soon enough, the technician confirmed our suspicions.

It's A Boy!

* A Disclaimer: The King and I reserve the right to change this baby's name at any time. But for now, we are going with this. He is also known as "Lil' Stinker."

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

19 Weeks

I love getting weekly updates from BabyCenter.com. It's so fun to see how our baby grows from week to week. You can sign up for a free account and get your own weekly updates sent directly to your e-mail address.

This week BabyCenter told me:

"Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato."